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Sparkles of Life

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


waiting can be seriously nerve racking. waiting for an answer to something... not gettin a definite answer. you just longed for the answer that you wanted but you never know and you dare not think of otherwise.

so you just wait and cont to wait for the answer to come. but i guess waiting is also good in the sense that there's always hope in waiting. Cos whatever the outcome is has yet become a part of reality... there's always a chance for wat u hope for to come true.

and so we cont to wait anxiously, hoping for the answer to come soon and yet at e same time hoping that it would not come so soon for fear that reality may be too harsh for our fragile soul. man are really a confused bunch.


Blogger creature comfort said...

if its bout uni admissions n stuff...i offer dis advice..everything in its time n everyone to his/her own place...dis cool fren of mine alwaez says, aren't 2 lil birdies sold for onli a few dollars? yet not 1 falls 2 e ground without e Bossman's approval...why do u worry? can u turn even one of e hairs on ur head from black 2 white? dude my Fren huh?

April 18, 2007 at 11:13 PM  

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