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Sparkles of Life

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dead Sea Scroll Exhibition

Went with the sunday school kids to the Dead Sea Scroll Exhibition this morning and the exhibition are indeed fascinating and very enriching. Lots of dated ancient bible copies on display, biblical historical facts on display and of course the world famous dead sea scroll. Seeing those fragment bits before my eyes really just struck me how real our faith is.

For those who don't know what the dead sea scroll is, these scrolls are chapters of the Old Testament in the bible written donkey donkey years back before Christ, containing on many accounts prophecies on the birth of Christ years down. It's so amazing how these scrolls had managed to survive the time and environmental conditions (though they're all in tiny bits now) to present to us today an unwavering evidence of the authenticity of the bible. And even more fascinating, comparing the content of the book of isaiah, which is the only complete piece of surviving scroll, the content still match up perfectly with the current bible.

Found this quote by Martin Luther at the exhibition and it was truly inspiring:

"Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times."


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