History Channel Synopsis
Happened to stumble upon a programme on the history channel last night as I was channel surfing. For the benefit of those who doesn’t have cable tv and thus missed the awesome show when I informed em, here’s a short short synopsis. (say thank you!)
Anyway the programme was real awesome. A bunch of scientists and professors coming together to find out if it is truly possible for biblical events to have actually taken place. Are these events possible or were they exaggerated? Can there be an alternative explanation to these happenings and what are the chances of them happening? Or are they truly simply works of miracles by our wondrous God?
Case #1: The Tower of Babel
“And they say to one another, ‘Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves” (Genesis 11:3-4)
As in the bible, this was an attempt by Man to build a tower that reaches the heavens, which has angered God and caused Him to disperse Man throughout earth and confuse their languages so that they no longer share the same language. With primitive technique, could this be possible? Yes there are remnants of such structures found in modern day middle east but could it possibly be the tower of babel?
Replicating the ancient ways of brick making, and a bunch of math formulae, the scientist came to the conclusion that is very possible to build a structure which can support all the weight of a tower as high as 1 mile. And baking them as stated in the bible would have strengthened these ancient bricks even further, making it possible to build a tower of up to 2 miles, about 5 times the height of the tallest modern building. (*gasp*)
Case #2: David and Goliath
“And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead and he fell on his face to the ground” (1 Samual 17: 49)
This is about Kind David when he was still in his youth. As a young sherperd boy, David was able to take down the giant philistine Goliath with just a stone and his sling. Can a slingshot bring a giant down with just one blow on the head? Bearing in mind, this is quite a far cry from bullet science.
Answer was once again yes. With precision and accuracy, a young boy can kill someone with his slingshot even from a distant. The speed that the stone travel at can cause the skull to crack and the waves generated from the impact to cause a permanent damage to the brain and thus death. (*gasp*). But of cos such fatal blow would have to come with such high degree of precision that the scientists conceded that it's really either a fatal chance or perhaps really as the bible stated the Lord was with David.
And some more lah (case #3 on instant fires, case #4 on toxic honey bees and case #5 on the floating tabernacle)... shall end here or the synopsis becomes too long. interested people can just come talk to me.
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