Vibrant colours
Cheers and laughters
Silly acts and impressive stunts
Teasing the crowd giddy
No one looks down
No one jeers
Not in the open
As the light goes off
As the curtain close
Darkness fall
And his heart retreats to an even darker spot
Who's to hear?
Who's to say?
Emptiness inching its ways
deeper and deeper
Doesn't matter what others say
Doesn't matter what they think
But his heart it matters
Uncertainty clouds his mind
Fear stabs at his heart
Pain scorns at his exuberant demeanour
As the lights turn on
As the curtain drew
Behind that visage of happiness
That air of confidence exuded
No one knows.
The crowd applaud
A sound of encouragement
A sound of appreciation
Yet all heard was the deafening silence of forlornness
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