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Sparkles of Life

Friday, March 23, 2007

cemmetry reccee n random thots

Before i forget, let's first talk about the random thoughts that i had on the train ride home. Haha I'm finding train rides more and more inspirational these days... seems like all the poems and deep thoughts will surface during train rides.

anyway zhin was asking and i was wondering too about why is it that people who are non-believer can also be high flyer in life? It's like we do not really need God? haha i've been struggling with that thought too! n God is indeed faithful to me and I got my answer during my train ride home. It's like we are all made differently thus even though we all have this empty hole in life, this emptiness and feeling of helplessness that only God can fill, this hole is present in different places for different people. We are all different and so we are vulnerable in different ways. For those high flyers, perhaps their stumbling block is on other non-material aspects we never know. okie enuf enuf movin on.

wow the reccee turned out to be quite a work out because the route planned was zig-zag. thks alot to our senior!! gosh and we had to walk the same route again on sat with the scouts under the hot sun. crazy. haha sometimes i really think i lead a crazy life doing crazy things. but some how these crazy things have a charm to it.

well the cemmetry or rather ex-cemmetry is not as creepy as i thought. it's very open and bright, so yeah it's not scary at all. except that my senior just have to comment that the grounds are like golf course and the undulation would meant that those are the areas where the tombs are previously... quite creepy actually if you think about it as you take the next step. =S


Blogger creature comfort said...

i'm prob e lousiest Christian aroun...but dis year, 'one string on e kite' has been released..y do non-believers n evil pple do well? David asks dat qn too..but Jesus asks a counter-qn in Matt's Sermon On e Mount..."Is dis e kingdom life?" where ur treasure is, ur heart will b also..'high-flyers' are of e kingdom of dis world...they build their treasure here of course...shd God's pple place their sole emphasis on dis world n its treasures???

March 28, 2007 at 10:06 PM  

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