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Sparkles of Life

Monday, March 19, 2007

espisode 2: massacre of the sheep

A usual working day…
The sheep munched their freshly picked grass for breakfast and gathered at each other’s work desk to chit-chat before starting their work. Young and playful, they love to talk to one another every now and then, as a form of break from their mundane work which were handed to them because they were simply so tedious that the other senior workers dreaded doing them themselves. The sheep also love to write memos to their friends outside the factory as they work to de—stress and to brighten up their dull working life.

However, their attitude towards work was unquestionable. They were responsible and would make sure that the work handed to them were done before the deadline and that they were of standard and quality. They were even rewarded some extra tasty grass from the horses (one of the senior workers) because they did such a wonderful job for them. The sheep gathered to share their grasses which drew the attention of the pigs who came over to ask what was going on. (Perhaps it’s a farewell party for someone?)

The sheep would also gather at a sheep’s table before going off for lunch at noon sharp except for some days when they were all done with their jobs and they would just gather slightly earlier to discuss where to go for lunch.

A usual working day…
The pigs love to talk to one another regarding their experiences at some promotional events for their newly launched model of massaging chairs as they work. Being professional, they would often carry out surveys and gather feedbacks from customers about their massaging chairs. They would rejoice and snort loudly whenever a pleasant comment was given by the public, but would react badly when it was a criticism. Since the pigs are so professional, any criticism would be seen by them as an insult to their professionalism and thus the pigs would hurl nasty comments about the level of intelligence of the person who had criticized (does he even have a brain?)

United and strong in team spirited, they too love to gather at each others’ tables and sometimes even the sheep’s tables to discuss and chit-chat about things like where to go for a walk to give their pretty much clogged up arteries and hearts a little more work out. They snorted excitedly and the whole work place reverberated with their voices which also drowned the voices of the customers on the telephones whom the sheep had to call up to check out their orders.

After a morning of hard work, the pigs would leave early for lunch every once in a while too to reward themselves, and they too would write memos to people outside the factory.

Being morally upright and righteous, the pigs felt that they had a duty in teaching the sheep the correct work ethics. They could not stand the sheep’s habit of talking to one another and sending memos to friends outside the factory during working hours. They also could not tolerate the volume and the amount of noise that the sheep were making. Not to mention, their early gathering for lunch and the open celebration and sharing of the tasty grass rewarded to them, for in their eyes, the sheep did not even deserve to be rewarded. They were a bunch of idiotic youngsters who disrupted their peaceful working life with all their noise and nonsense.

And so they decided to complain and report consistently to the supervisor of the sheep about their misbehaviours. The pigs whined and complained about the sheep’s late coming for work, early discussion for lunch, constant idling and chit-chatting, sending of memos to pals, celebrating etc.

Among the pigs was a wild boar. The blackest wild boar in the village. Being the most righteous of all, she decided to come down harsh on the sheep but always in a subtle manner. No direct confrontation for she believes in peace. She would show extra care and concern about what the sheep were doing (peering discreetly at the sheep’s table to see what she is doing) and just simply inform the supervisors about the situation that she observed. No direct confrontation she believes, thus she never raise a brow or show any displeasures. Instead, she would smile and asked what was going on. Once, a sheep placed 2 sets of sales accounts onto her table which later went missing, but being patient and kind (peace-believer!) she still decided to let the matter rest after a few rounds of screaming at the sheep to search for it when the accounts were obviously not at her work place anymore and later reporting to the supervisor that the sheep had ‘misplaced’ her accounts.

However, among all the eye sores, there was a particular sheep that caught the eye of the wild boar. Young and filled with confidence and efficiency in work, the wild boar was pleased and in love with this ‘handsome’ young fellow…


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