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Sparkles of Life

Friday, March 27, 2009

fatigue thoughts

how do u know that u are really tired to the max?

when u dont feel the need to sleep despite e fact that u slept really little, just fatigue n zonk-outness...
when u are numb to the fatigue...
when ur hands shake for no reason...

now for some food for thoughts...
does someone get outcasted or does the person outcast himself or herself by withdrawing from the crowd cos he/she feels that he/she is not good enough?
On the other hand, does trying your best to fit in n pushing your way in be necessarily the thing to do? Both extreme cases and take the middle ground, be moderate? Then what is the moderate point?

When you feel pressured or put down... when inferiority gets the better of u, do u lament? do u withdraw? do u wish for more opportunities given?
I think for this one the answer is clear cut. the only way is to get better. when u get stronger, opportunities will then come knocking. For it is only when you're a talent that ppl will come seeking for u. Such pragmatism of the world.

what to do! Haha only God doesn't evaluate a person's worth. :)


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