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Sparkles of Life

Saturday, February 28, 2009

robin hood

tried archery this afternoon with my cell group... wooo lah lah it was fun! and it was also real surprising to discover that there's a robin hood in me!

At the start, i was really bad. like really really bad. I just didnt get the picture even with aaron n joel's tips on how to aim. So i was shooting everywhere but the target. Then the competition started, and i scored like 3 misses with my 3 arrows (3 macdonalds our coach called it). So me and two other macs got to go through the knock out round. Then a miracle by the name of tyco happened! i got one arrow onto 9 while the other 2 scored macs again. And so i was saved from the knock out and into the elimination round.

And somehow, it dawned on me the line that i was supposed to see and the stance that my body should adopt. And so, i saw myself through to the semi-final rounds while all the other girls got knocked out. It was just aaron, joe n i. my my. It was so crazy. And my aiming just got better and better as i finally got the hang of it, and i knocked joe out with my 2 10s. And so i moved to the finals, with all my girls frenz shouting for me to do em proud and joe shouting for me to beat aaron (so much for brotherhood). And yes the winning streak continued, and so i was the robin hood of the session. yayy!

So the jack of all trades me found myself another sports of interest after golf. wah... i really wanna play golf again soon! n now archery too!!


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