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Sparkles of Life

Monday, February 11, 2008

i am not a reject

YAY! new year and good news!!

elmo the reject here is finally a reject no more. oh my goodness. can u believe it?!

I cant even believe my own two eyeballs when i read my letter of offer. my goodness!!

UNSW is offering me a place for Arts n Social Science! :) oh yay.

but aiyah no moolah... $_$

no money how how??

a part of me is still doubting. haha worry they will change their mind. LOL

but no MONEY.

fortunately for july intake i still hv some time before the online acceptance open (abt a mth more i thk b4 it opens). so i got a bit of time more to thk about it. but not that much time oso. so scary. places r still on first accept first serve basis. if my acceptance come late n places r all taken up den bye bye UNSW... argh shitty.


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