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Sparkles of Life

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Gift of Education

4 hours of intensive discussion n debate with my friend over the past year papers have rendered me leaking n oozing brain juice frm my ears (ok that's gruesome analogy but u get it).

haha but it's really cool. wish i can do the same with my other 2 soci mods!! realised my perspective n my friend's is so different. quite cool to go through the same course tgt and get dif mindset over things aye! shows that the prof is indeed pretty good at get us all thinking about the issues. So hope he's as good at giving us nice pretty grades!! :))) And oh yes i love academic discussions haha!

N while muggin seems to b an emo business for many, really it just make me wanna thank God more. opportunity to be educated in a good school don't come by easy. so people, uni is a priviledge n we really don't know how it feels to be deprived of it. to feel stranded in life, unable to proceed cos u lack that qualification.

n higher education aside, even basic education is a priviledge that we take for granted. Anyway, i think i really love soci. it really makes me see how knowledge can unlock your mind and see things beyond this narrow scope that u once see. N over the ups and downs, i think i have come to see the power of knowledge as well. Knowledge IS power, it empowers individuals to know what to do in situations, know your rights, know what to fight for and for whom to fight for. It liberates ur mind n enable u to break from the shackles of society cos u KNOW u ARE different (you no longer follow blindly but take the lead). As you're thinking, you are truly living! Man are reflexive creatures which makes us different from animals. Able to think and be challenged intellectually is a gift.

Opportunity to be educated is a priviledge and gift not many get n can afford. So jia you everyone. Mug hard. As u think and use your brain, you are exercising your gift as a human. As u learn, you're empowering yourself. As you empower yourself, you are now in better position to empower others who lack the chance to empower themselves.


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