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Sparkles of Life

Friday, January 15, 2010

College Life in America

seriously for all things strange we have adopted this really apt expression of "welcome to america".

lecturers still uses the blackboard and chalk,
visual aids are kept to a bare minimum (amidst having to overcome the tendency for some prof to utter to emselves),
slides are NEVER gonna be uploaded ,
readings rain down on you as frequently as the frequency of lectures in a week for e freakin same subject,
your american classmates simply doesn't sleep even in the most boring class,
everyone is just too eager to post their questions and comments,
people all skateboard or cycle to classes
and so much more...

BUT i simply just love experiencing a different culture i guess. so the above simply isn't too much of a complaint but rather my amazement at how different things are.

Getting to know more and more people now. Impromptu movie session the other night was great fun. And I have signed up for hip hop class and will be enrolling w my new japanese friend in surfing as well. pretty cool

Getting ready for a road trip over this weekend. The gruelling planning sessions and the ultimate reversal of situation. exasperation which is kept under suppression demanding its release. crap. f***


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