End of Summer
In a flash, three months of holiday will soon be over in less than 3 days time. Time FLIES :(
And looking back, I really had hoped for a more exciting holiday. But ok my definition of exciting takes on 2 extreme polarity. Either to go on a meaningful trip to some ulu village and do something meaningful to the lives of others, or go with friends on long (and hopefully exotic) holidays to see the world. Both are extravagant in terms of money i have to spend. Which is why i ended up with this boring way of spending my 3 months but no complaints since i have been travelling quite frequently of recent times.
However, though less exciting than I would hope for, i guess these 3 months is meaningful and amazing in its way and I thank God for:
1) I managed to learn a tad bit of drum. And really by grace, i can drum something out despite my psycho motor problem
2) KEYBOARD! it's really a blessing. From ground zero to being able to play something (no doubt simple). And i still remember the excitement and joy when I first managed to sing and pray along with my own playing. It has really up my worship experience with Him.
And today, i had just started my new module in KB and it was such a blessing as well. I really experienced music as a language speaking right into my heart, how different chords speaks of different feel and moods. No words, just my teacher's playing and my heart was so stirred and I felt so ministered.
3)Chan Ik's visit to Singapore. Just SO happy and blessed to meet up with my overseas friend after a year. amazing how just being physically together for about 16 days and long periods of being away from each other can still enable a close friendship between us all.
4) The visit to the safari with chan ik and marilyn. I got the chance to take a closer and proper look at all God's creation. Man... I will never forget the lion roaring right at us. Its muscles and the way it shook its mane. Goodness. It was really just soooo majestic and amazing. And the walk into the Bats' enclave also forced me to take a closer look at bats and realised that they actually look more cute than scary.
5) the chance to re-explore Singapore and making the familiar strange (haha so soci) had allowed me to gain a different experience of my own land.
6) all the obstacles and difficulties encountered in both projects. what don't kill me only makes me stronger :D
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