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Sparkles of Life

Thursday, July 16, 2009

funny trends

Funny Trends #1:
These days it seems that guys are getting more generous in their presents to the girls they woo. And yes girls they woo, not their girlfriends (it wont be a big deal if the girl is the girlfriend right? anyone can be sweet to their gfs). Inflation in terms of prezzies. And my lucky girl friends out there receiving big big prezzies.... man how i envy. why is it that i always meet those who are more sensible with their money? aiyohh... so by theory of accumulation does it mean that i can one shot get a lambo? LOL

Funny Trends #2:
It seems like both guys and girls like people who are more adventurous or exciting to be with. And so they both hope to date someone exciting. In soci terms, it's a 'cad'. But for marriage, they would prefer someone more stable, responsible and reliable. Less flamboyant than 'cad'. In soci term it's a 'dad'. So can you date a 'cad' and marry a 'dad'?

Funny Trends #3
Let your yes be yes and no be no. It seemed like a programmed kind of thing perhaps from early childhood days that makes a girl always say things that contradicts her true feelings (ok not all the time but most). Perhaps from instances in the past when the girl was a lil girl and mommy teaching her about not saying the truth to consider others. So maybe someone gave you a candy and you don't really like it but you still have to say your thanks and pretend to like it cos mommy said so. Another programming could be girls playing with dolls. In playing with dolls, the girl will always have to assume the role of the doll as well, thinking as the other party (the doll) how the other party feels and how she should then react. This is in contrast to boys playing soccer or cars. You don't have to think how your ball feels when it gets kick or what the engine of the car is thinking as you make those spluttering sound. As a result, girls grow up to be more emotive and intuitive. And the downside you get is the dilemma and contradiction in speeches. And how bad can these get? see below:

Girl A: "Aye how should i go?"
Girl B: "where don't go?"
Girl A: "Cos if don't go then i can go (somewhere else)...."
Girl B: "ah.. then you choose lor... don't go also ok, you go where you like"
Girl A: " Harh... but i don't know where i wanna go..."
A girl may have where to go in mind but will still constantly delude herself that she doesn't know in order to avoid making a selfish decision or another case could be she REALLY could not recognise what her heart wants to do. And after all these, the girl still might end up choosing the option that she doesn't want. To see a more devastating effect of this, apply the same context but change the topic from a place to go to a guy.

Funny trend #4
Both men and women (again not to generalise. so not all perhaps most), don't know what they want. So we human do it by elimination: All things on earth - don't wants = Wants.
Pluck this equation into a context:
A: aye how what should i do? should i reject?
B: do u like him/her?
A: maybe 5%?
B: Ok, so why you don't like him or her?
A: Don't know
B: So what you like?
B: Don't know. I just know I don't like.


Blogger Wanderlust said...

funny trend #1:
who are these guys ah? spoil market for the rest of us. haha

July 30, 2009 at 9:54 AM  

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