Little blissful days
this is not an emo post. YAY!
these 3 days had been really quite joyful and happy overall and i am glad.
Friday 2/11/07
I finally checked out timbre. After hearing so much frm frenz, ppl, radio, all the whoohah about the place, my curiosity was finally satisfied. The pub was really DIFFERENT frm wat i had envisioned it to be. I kept having wala wala in my mind when i heard about timbre haha. But i was wrong. It's an open air concept. with walls setting the boudary of the pub. N the ambience is pretty good i must say. trees growing at the sides of the walls. It makes u feel like you're chilling out at someone's backyard. haha. N the band yesterday was the timmy band. N though i found the lead a lil over-acting haha, he was GOOD.
But the night was cut short due to someone's leaky taps haha. No worries i don't mind heading home early haha cos i was pretty tired too. Had lecture in the morning and went out shopping w my og mates. how cool n happy. N yes i think i am really quite sucky. Drank abt 1 and 6/8 pint of erdinger... and i felt the need to focuse when i walk hahaha. shit.
N aye no.. i am nt alcoholic. I wanted just 1 pint... the other 6/8 is to help the leaky tap. muhahaha. :)
saturday 3/11/07
Nothing much happen. Went for cell. Ivan was sharing the word today and some parts kind of struck me. It's about undestanding that all our possession, all that we have are from God and should be used for God. And since all that we have, all that we are are from God then we should give off ourselves freely to people who need us and our posessions. Really amazing. Cos this is not just about money but everything. Our health, our life, our studies, our career, our future. Everything is His and not ours. So why worry about tomorrow? Of cos i am not saying we sit back relax and wait for things to happen. Of cos it is essential to do thing with a spirit of excellence for His glory, but leave all the worrying to Him! There's really no need in fretting about our tomorrow cos obviously we wouldn't know but He does.
It's really so amazing cos i felt once again that relief like another boulder has been put down. Everything is His. Our Lord gives and takes as He wish. He is sovereign and also compassionate and loving. My loving Father will never give me more than i can handle or take away more than i can handle. So relief and amazing cos i felt like i can breath again. Praise the Lord my saviour! Somehow, i feel that i got abit of the answer today to the question i held so long. haha My Loving Abba will not give me too much that i will be empowered by my own dark side, e evil dark forces haha, but He had also promise me that he will never take away more than i can cope.
So let'ss just live each day to its fullest. Doing our best and recognising that all that we have, all that we are are of Him and for His people, His church, Him.
Sunday 4/11/07
Really shag day. Went to church in the morning lunch and study with my cell group then headed back to church for baptism class. Some one in my group raised a question during group sharing time, how does God decide whose prayers to answer? She gave an example of a soccer match. Both teams prayed before the match but obviously one team has to lose, so how does God decide and doesnt God answer prayers? Haha the answer is God is all knowing and sometimes He needs to consider the big picture though He is also just as concern over our individual needs. And sometimes, failure doesnt mean that our prayers are not answered. It just mean that perhaps what we had prayed for isnt the best for us. He wanna build us up, or strengthen us through hard times. Or simply because something better is round the corner. God always answer. Just that it may be a yes, a no or a wait.
Anyway i went with Liz after class to chinatown to purchase some materials to make our handmade accessories for our soon-to-be (hopefully will succeed) online boutique. Really tired when i reached home but the sight of this (below) on my study table made my day. My cousin is really sweet! she got me candies for haloween from Japan. Awwww :)
And here's another foto frm chek jawa. Just got it from ker han. 3 of us up at the tower. yay

And dear all, please go watch this:
WATCH, or you'll regret haha. it blew my mind!!! ahhhh it gives me this really really sweet ultra blissful feeling. Hope it does the same to you guys :)
I want to learn:
1) French
2) Classical singing
3) Japanese
4) Tennis
5) Golf
Anyone wanna fund me? hahaa
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