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Sparkles of Life

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sch and Withdrawal Symptom

3rd day in NUS and it still feels very unreal and very much like a dream. But i am glad i am slowly but steadily feeling that i am slowly fitting in. And I'm really so thankful for this group of frenz whom i have met. Don't have to care about the rest who are rather siao and havoc.. its really doesnt matter. I'm glad to have this small bunch of frenz.

And the deck really brings with it lovely surprises installed. Like bumping into cheryl, jasmine and even zheyin (who's all the way in engine fac!)... n most most of all! bumping into Paul, a fren i made from the youth forum in korea!! AHHHH so happy!!

School is starting to show me its pressure cooker side but at the same time I am reminded of how much i desire this academic rigour and to be challenged. So now that i am challenged, I'm daunted and excited at the same time?! it's weird i know.. but it's how i feel. But the great thg is.. the mods i am doing are interesting to me. N i believe this will really help me alot in my revision n etc. Even Great Ideas in Contemporary Physics is pretty appealing to me! Really excited about learning about Quantum Physics whereby things just cant be explained fully and everything still points back to Him! :)

n yes film and history forum is REAL STRESSFUL for nooblet me. sigh but oh well.. when the gg gets tough the tough gets gg and let's not forget the hunger i had all these time when i was deprived. so let's be filled with joy and excitement!

And gosh i really miss korea and my bunch of dong sengs and chingus... :(


and yay! marilyn and i have finally registered for korean class. Good luck to me who's doing Jap this sem as well. 2 languages at one shot!!

This is what happened on wed for jap class, my brain got messed up by the 2 languages:
lecturer: what's shiro?
Me (thought): dislike... don't want...
lecturer: it means white color

lecturer: what's kiyoo?
me (thought): cute....
lecturer: yellow color


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