Photobucket Photobucket Sparkles of Life: Day 1 in US

Sparkles of Life

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 1 in US

long long journey on the plane. entire day just spent on flying till i'm dying. n since LA is behind Singapore in time, it's like living the same hours twice. extra fatigue and exhaustion. will land at about 3am but it'll still just be mid day in LA.

now i run out of movies to watch n things to entertain myself but to pen my thoughts now for posting when there's wifi later. arghh. played poker n big 2 on the flight system but it's almost like u're pre-prog to lose.

addicted to the casino shuffle. my eyes lit up when my fren said he brought along a deck of cards haha.

and i miss my really long hair... the stupid hair stylist cut it too short... n he still got the cheek to laugh at his "master piece" :(


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